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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

We've got a comedian people

Addy is seriously one of the funniest kids I have ever met she is always making me laugh everyday! I dont even know where she comes up with half the stuff she says.

here are some of here funny things.

"eww who smells. I think its a skunk we need a tomato bath cuz then it wont stink anymore"

"Wow mom your belly is super swollen! I get that baby out for you". she then came back with a potato peeler and a spoon.

And her funny tonight was her prayer it went a little something like this. " please bless that mother goose wont come and scare me at night. bless the baby zombies they are so cute. bless daddy will just want to watch movies with me forever and ever and ever." I seriously died laughing

"mommy you so silly I just cant believe my eyes."

There can be joy in the midst of trials

Iv been debating writing this post for a while now and decided I am just going to do it. I think it is important to share the struggles we are going through. In the world of Pinterest and Facebook I think its really easy to become down. You only see the highlights of peoples lives and everything they are doing great. Now there is nothing wrong with that. I actually LOVE to see everyone's fun projects and all the things they have accomplished and its so fun that we have a way to share our triumphs. But sometimes I think we look at what other people are good at and get down on our selves that we are not living up to the pinterest standard.
Ok now that my little rant about Pinterest is over. I'm going to tell you about why right now my house Pinteresting and that is okay.

As iv posted before my husband was Diagnosed with A.S. I would spell the whole thing out but there are lots of letters and I can barely pronounce is so we just call it A.S. but hey the Drs do too. Well when he was first diagnosed he was in the "early stages" of his disease which at the time we thought were bad but now we realize he didn't have it so bad after all. About a month ago he woke up one morning and his legs were paralyzed, like full on epidural couldn't move them. thankfully we have a few different sets and kinds of crutches. It was really scary the Dr have warned us this could happen but we were living in the it will never happen to me phase.  He received a priesthood blessing and within the hour he could feel his legs again and by the end of the night he was able to move them and put a little bit of weight on them! Now it seems to be happening 1-2 a week. Its a scary thing and we don't like it but In a way I'm grateful because it is preparing us for the day when he will be in a wheelchair. Its been allowing us to get used to the idea and find ways to deal with it.

This really has been quite the change for Our family. He isn't able to work because he gets sick so often and he never knows what days he can walk and what days he cant. He's applied for a few jobs but its discouraging no one wants to hire someone who may not be able to do his job the way they want some days. We have been really blessed though. My husbands parents own a company check them out They have let us kind of take over to help meet our financial means. This has been where I have really seen the Lord working his hand in our lives every time we pray to be able to make our payment that is due The next day we are bombarded with orders and make just enough to cover what ever bill is due. My sweet mother in-law even jokes now that she knows we must have been praying because the are tons of orders again. So Thank you to all the friends and family that spoil their missionaries and college kids. You have been an answer to our prayers!

On top of all this I thought it would be a good idea to keep going to school this semester. I know I may have lost my mind Its been tough trying to juggle being a mom of 3 ages 3 and under, working, and going to school. But I have been blessed with great family,an AWESOME friend who just happens to be my visiting teacher, and a truly AMAZING husband. He keeps me grounded and is truly my best friend and amazes my daily how he keeps a truly remarkable attitude despite what he is going through. This is where I have found my Joy. My trials have brought me closer to my Heavenly Father than I have ever been before, and fore that I am grateful for everything we are going through. Is it hard YES but I wouldn't have learned the many lessons I have learned with out going through them. While we are still in the midst of our trials I know we will come out TRIUMPHANT, we will be blessed, and the Lord will not forsake us.

So my house may be a disaster right now what do you expect with a preschooler a toddler and a infant I may not have a house full of cutesie crafts I've made and we may have nights where dinner is a sandwich or a bowl of cereal Addy thinks those are the best nights though I have a great family and we have buckets of fun and laughs together and in the end that's what matters.

Meet Braxton!

Ok so this is 9 weeks late,cringe but life is crazy with three kids. but that's another post. well back to Braxton. I was supposed to be induced on July 26th I kept hoping and praying that he would come on his own. the thought of being induced scares me.please don't tell a pregnant lady horror stories of labor right before she is about to pop. I never dreamed I would ever have to be induced the other two came two and three weeks early. Mr Braxton tried to come at 33 weeks luckily the Drs. were able to stop the contractions My Dr. told me with how far I had progressed it would be very surprising if I made it ten days. Well I'm pretty sure I became the joke of the office. I went six weeks being dilated to almost a four and 80% effaced. The night before i was supposed to be induced arrived and still no baby. Needless to say I was like a kid on Christmas, I was to excited to sleep because I was getting the best present I could get. My sweet little boy finally in my arms.Well to my surprise at 6:45 am I got my first SUPER strong contraction and then they came every minuet and a half after that. after about three I woke my husband up and said "Oh my gosh I'm in labor!!" He rushed me to the hospital and at 9:03 am my sweet baby boy was here, and boy was he ready I only had to push once! My Dr. Gave me major props, it made me laugh pretty hard.

Braxton is seriously the best baby he sleeps 4-5hr at night seldom cries and just loves to cuddle. He is the best baby out of the three kids. He is also a total mamas boy and I love it! I just love and adore him.
picture taken by

Monday, February 4, 2013

One of my friends and fellow bloggers is doing this on her page and i thought it would be fun as well. so here is day 1
Ok I know its a little late to be doing a new years blog, but lifes been crazy and its my blog so in typical taylor fashion my new years post will be late :)

Im so glad for 2013 and all that it is going to bring. 2012 Was a rough year for us. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia so iv been trying to learn to deal with all that goes along with it. I'm glad to know what it is so I'm not constantly wondering why I hurt all the time.  They also think that's why I keep getting gastro paresis so that answers a big question me and the Dr's have been wondering.

Brody had a great year though. First he was born which was an easy labor/recovery he is so cute! He has only been sick twice! and he learned to crawl! Did I mention how cute he is. my pics are on the other computer so they will be coming hopefully soon!

Addy has grown like crazy and her vocabulary is amazing. Her personality really came out in 2012 and she is one funny girl! She is an insomniac so we are constantly fighting her to go to bed at night. I will call 2012 the year of the 3am bedtime. Don't be jealous ;) Luckily this year she has started going to bed around 10 yay its been such a blessing! We took her to a sleep doctor. They said its crazy that she sleeps so little. the Dr said she has never seen a two year old sleep as little as her and still be developmentally on track.  She thinks she may be ocd or bi polar. She hasn't been diagnosed yet but I would guess she is OCD she has issues about people touching things or putting things out of place, or things being dirty. I guess we will see as she gets older. They gave us two medications to try one made her crazy hopped up on a ton of sugar hyper, the other made her crazy sick. so for now were just working on enforcing an earlier bed time. We sure love her though and the love, laughter, and fun she brings to our family!!

Bryce had the toughest year of us all though.  He lost his job at the beginning of the year. He got diagnosed with a sever case of Ankylosing Spondylitis. You should try saying it its fun :) to bad the disease isn't as fun.  Hes been a trooper learning to cope with it. Sadly non of the medications have worked in slowing down the disease. were hoping that insurance will cover the humira they want him to try in hopes it will work.  We found out he is allergic to honey. Randomly one day his body decided it doesn't like honey. WHAT?? we had no idea you could develop an allergy out of the blue.  That has been a scary experience that has lead to him being rushed to the ER to recover him from anaphlatic (sp?) shock. Near the end of the year he almost died and surprisingly it wasn't from the honey.  Apparently his body doesn't absorb potassium from food for some reason so his potassium got so low it was at zero. First he was complaining his legs felt weird and fifteen minuets later he couldn't move his legs or his arms, so i had to drag him from the bedroom floor to the couch. I called the ambulance to come get him and that's when he lost his ability to talk, and was having problems breathing. It was super scary. Thankfully Addy was asleep so she didn't have to witness it! Once they got him to the hospital they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him and he kept getting worse and his heart and kidneys and lungs were starting to fail. the ER was lost as to what was happening so he admitted him. Where the Admitting DR. said to check his potassium level before checking him into a room. So thankful for this Dr and advising the ER Dr. to check his levels. they found out he had no potassium and immediately started giving him pill, shots, and iv bags full of potassium and he immediately got better. Mean less to say after all his near death experiences this year I'm a paranoid wife. I check all labels and make sure he eats lots of greens and bananas :)

We did have good things happen in 2012 though. Brody was born, we celebrated our 5 year anniversary. We got to see his sister and her family who came down from California to celebrate thanksgiving. Bryce got a on call position as a valet at the hospital, and with him not working so much we have got to enjoy lots of time as family! We also have had fun watching Addy grow and learn! she is so independent and gets into everything. I think I could make a comedy blog just off of the things she does and says everyday.

Here is to 2013 hopefully it wont be such a medically filled year!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Crockpot Chicken Tacos

Recipe give away! This recipe is so Yummy and super easy!

2lbs raw chicken breast
1 packet ranch dressing
1 packet chicken taco seasoning
1 can chicken broth

Put ingredients in crock pot and cook on low for 3 hrs shred the chicken and cook on low for 30 min more.

yummy toppings

ranch dressing

the joy of boys

So the other day I was changing Brody's diaper and he peed all over me. Ok now i know this is not an uncommon experience with boys, and it happens on a daily basis withBrody. but this one was different. he soaked the entire bed, the pillows my shirt and the wall! I am still confused how this happened and found a commercial that pretty much sums it up and the best part is he laughed while doing it. Hes such a boy!